Monday, March 10, 2008

Missa's Braids

Ta Da!

Gotta love that smile!

I have always loved messing with hair! When I was still in high school, I begged Mother to let me cut my brothers' hair - and finally got to! In college I was a cheap haircut for a lot of the guys - they never were interested in me other than for my scissors - but that's another story entirely!

When I was in fifth or sixth grade I taught myself to french braid my own hair. Mother always did it before then but don't you know four heads of long hair kept her busy? So I learned to do my own. I did eventually learn to french braid on others too and over the years I have gotten to do the "first braid" on many a little girl. Mainly because I would spot them with hair that was "long enough" and beg the Mommy to let me try! So over time I have held many a squirmy little girl in my lap and succeeded in scraping shiny little locks into braids. Sometimes with better results than others!

As an aside here, I wonder how many of you have heard moms say "I can't DO my daughter's hair - she won't let me!"? This drives me nuts - I really want to say "Which one of you is the parent?"! No, Melissa doesn't always enjoy me doing her hair and she does fuss sometimes, but I simply do not give her a choice! (And she really is pretty good about it most of them time - she is pretty accustomed to it I guess) I waited too long for a little girl to take her out of the house looking like a ragamuffin! I figure if "people of color" can braid little girl's hair in dozens of braids, the least I can do is a pony tail or two!

Well, this weekend I realized it was time for Missy to have her "first braids"!! Armed with a Disney Princess DVD, spray detangler, a comb, and a lot of patience (can we say chocolate?) we set out to do the braids! Yesterday they were a mite crooked and since she wasn't feeling great, I didn't redo them. But this morning, we did it right! I liked putting the rubber bands higher up close to her head so the ends would curl.

The butterfly's are part of my little girls accessory line I have been doing - I have them in pink, yellow, orange, lime green, purple and aqua. They acutually look better on two "puppy dog tails", but this one matched and I put it in. Let me know what you think!


A Romantic Porch said...

SO SO SO ADORABLE. Makes me think...hum, I've never french braided Tiffany's hair. I think it looks really cute as they get older. The butterflies are wonderful...looks like it just lit right down there. Have a fun day. Great to hear from you. xoRachel

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

I love braids on little girls!

pse said...

Oh how pretty!

Ever wonder how we managed all those braids in time to catch the school bus?

Dori Overman said...

so very cute...but um, I think she's too big for that carseat!