Sunday, September 14, 2008

More from Ike

I was locked in the hospital from Friday at 2PM until Sunday morning around 7. I tried hard to get home, but every route I tried was flooded. I finally turned around and went back to the hospital and a fabulous friend there drove me home in her big ole' truck! These are a few photos of what I found.

We are trying to just assess the damage and keep more from happening at this point. My brother-in-law is on his way from the Dallas area with relief supplies for us: food, bigger tarps, etc. He is planning to stay a day or two to help Randy with immediate needs.

My uncle and cousin are also making plans to come to help with other areas: they are bring stuff to move big piles of debris so we will be working on keeping them busy with disaster relief but are excited to get to see them. I think they will plan to help get us under protection from the rain as well. Randy has found a roofer that will come tomorrow to give us assessment of the damage and let us know how long it will be before he can get to us. It seems like the wait would be very long, but actually there are so very many in so much worse shape - they are all a LONG way from needing a roofer, so we should be able to get fixed up with a few weeks we think.

I have been called back to the hospital to work tonight as so many of the nurses are unable to get through the flood waters to work. They are predicting more rain tonight and tomorrow so we will just pray for the best...

Some of our roof - now we can see why the water is pouring in!
Lots of shingles are missing...
Our dear friends, John and Stephanie Rezac nabbed a roll of plastic for us. We used all of it and a tarp or two we had in the garage to cover the biggest holes. It won't last long, as the entire roof is damaged and leaky, but at least we won't drown in our beds! All the homes in our neighborhood have roof damage - notice bare wood in the second house down.
Ceiling starting to bulge in Brendan's room.


A Romantic Porch said...

OK Naomi, I really wish I could help. But happy birthday to Jamison anyway! xo rachel

Lisa Holloway Slater said...

Naomi! This is Lisa (Holloway) from the good 'ol CFC days! I was looking on Sherilyn's blog and saw yours. I was so happy to find you. I love the look of your blog! It is so pretty. It looks like you had quite a time after the hurricane! Drop me a line. My email is
Check out my blog. I am not good at keeping up with it but you can check out me and my family.

God Bless!

pse said...

Nomi, Sorry you have troubles but just wanted you to know you don't have anything on your old Aunt.
Just wanted you to know it may be in the genes. I got some of my outfits at the "You know where stores also." Ain't it fun?
Aunt Lene