Sunday, November 13, 2011

Brendan and my Prayer Closet

Several of you have kindly asked about Brendan and how he is doing. I think he is doing very well. (Though he mostly doesn't seem to want us to know that!) His grades are excellent though we are working to make certain he is being challenged enough. Since he can type most everything he needs to write in class now, it seems a big obstruction to his learning has been resolved. He did several hours of testing with the vision specialist this past week - we won't have a report on that until later in November. She has indicated that he has several issues with his eyes that will likely require therapy. Please help us pray about that - from what I have been able to research on his conditions, the therapy can be painful and make you very nauseated. In Europe one of his conditions is commonly treated with surgery - I am hoping we don't have to even consider that! It just makes me queasy to think about getting anything that close to his eye that cuts! I know they do it all the time, just one of the things that makes me kinda sickish-feeling to think about...
When you live way out in the country and trick-or-treating is not an option, (it just isn't worth it to drive a mile to the neighbor's house to get a candy bar!) you do a weeny roast! Brendan has wanted a bon fire since it has turned cool in the evenings and we finally talked Grammy and Papa into doing it for a fun activity on October 31st. When Grammy sent me these pictures, I was a bit surprised to see they had their fire in the trash barrel...(no trash truck to pick up garbage in the country either!) but then I noticed they were actually burning wood...and then I noticed all the dry leaves and finally figured out that was better than some of the scenarios that could have played out! The trash barrel is good. Really.
What tastes better than a weenie roasted over an open fire on a cool October evening in the Ozark Mountains?
S'MORES! Nuff said!
Aunt Dori and her family came down on the weekend to take their RV to a state park close to Ft. Smith. Brendan enjoyed playing on this rock with the two E's...These flat rocks are one of the things I like the most about the mountains in Arkansas.
Brendan and Ellie are laughing around the fire...
'K...this isn't what it looks like! I was a bit disturbed at this picture. It looks like Brendan is about to whack the red off of poor Ellie's hair! Not so. Aunt Dori reports that she told them to "strike a pose" and this is what they came up with. So they aren't gonna make Vogue anytime soon-looks like they still had fun!

We are making it here at home. Today marks the point when we can say "Brendan comes home next week"! They will leave after church on Sunday and drive all or part of the way to Katy. So "the Lord willin'" we will get to see our boy Sunday or Monday! We are all very excited!

I have discovered that this trial has been bearable only one day at the time. Sometimes I can't even think about a whole day - I have to do it moment-by-moment. I spend a lot of time in my "prayer closet". When I was younger and Dad would preach about his "prayer closet" I always wondered where in the world that was. I always pictured a dark tiny room with only room to squat in the corner and cry out to God! I didn't realize that was "pastoral speak" for a not-so-literal place! I, however, have an actual prayer closet! I don't do so well with staying focused on only one thing at the time.

Like, for instance, I can't just sit and watch a TV show. I have to be doing sewing or painting or beading or something! I think I drive poor Randy crazy. But he loves televised sports so I'm thinking we might just even out in the "driving crazy" regard! Is there anything worse than the sound of a huge crowd roaring above a bad organ (or school band) playing a "charge"? I think not. But I digress. And if you are a huge fan of televised sports, I'm sorry. And your wife has my sympathies!

Back to me. I have learned that I can get a lot of time with the Father in while I am sewing. I have been sewing since I was ten-years old and for me it is not tedious or difficult. I mostly can sew without paying a lot of attention to the actual construction. So when I feel the need, I sew. ( think I'll call my next devotional book "So She Sews"! Just kidding. I have no plans to write a devotional book. But it's a cute name anyway, huh? I thought you might like to get a peek inside my personal prayer closet.
At one time I had a gi-hugic room all for myself for the sole purpose of expending creative energy. I did not appreciate what I had. It was taken from me.

When we moved into the incredibly lovely home we now reside in, I had a beautiful (albeit much smaller) room for sewing and jewelry-making. I did not appreciate it. It too was taken from me.
Now I have the end of the dining room to use in any way I see fit-as long as I can stand the mess! This space does not have a door on it. You can see it from the entry way (translate: total strangers can see inside my prayer closet when they stop by to sell me another Kirby vacuum cleaner). I do appreciate it. I so much appreciate having sewing machines (yes, plural! I have an embroidery machine, a serger, two regular sewing machines and an older more heavy machine for upholstery work), lots of fun fabric, thread, beads, and way more other stuff to play with than I care to admit here! I have spent many hours lately thanking our Creator for all the stuff I have at my disposal with which to create.
So I am spending time in my prayer closet and you know what? God is good! He has given us a wonderful peace that we are doing the right thing. Yes, it is still incredibly hard. Yes, we miss our boy so bad it hurts. There are certainly moments when I wonder if the pain will ever get better. But the same God that is at work in Katy is working even harder on the top of a little mountain in Arkansas and one day it will all be better! And we get to see Brendan for several glorious days next week! How do you spend your time with God?


Dori Overman said...

your words make me cry. God is good...SO thankful for parents like we have and that they don't even hesitate a nano second to help us all. LOVE you@

pse said...

When I send Brendan to gather sticks for a fire, I expected to see a pile beside the barrel. To my surprise the sticks were in the barrel and also what you can't see was some charcoal he had added to help the cause. That barrell is only used for paper and cardboard so was clean enough for what we needed. And as you stated, a safe place for the fire.